"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Isn't he precious. This is who we really really really want!!! We have been wanting to rescue a Golden Retriever for a long while now, you have probably heard us talk about it. The procedure got a little delayed with us moving to another country and such.

Mason's new friend is 4 years old, and in Austin right not just waiting to meet his new parents! You are able to read more about him here: http://grr-tx.com/adoption/adopt_to/bailey_10-023/bailey.htm.

The game plan is to get him when I come home at the end of May. This is all very tentative still, depending on if I am able to get a job before then. My parents are helping us out, and talking to the adoption/rescue organization for us. Did I mention we really really want him!!

We need help with names. Doug or Logan are the ideas we've got so far. Any thoughts?


  1. i like doug :) reminds me of the dog in up! he is really cute Jacki!! I didn't know you were going back to the states in May! Is it just to get the dog, or were you already planning to go?

  2. Melanie MosquinskiMarch 31, 2010 at 4:03 PM

    Then I would have a BIG Logan and a Little Logan puppy neice and nephew....I say he looks more like a Doug :) He is really really cute.

  3. I prefer Mason & Doug to Mason & Logan :)

  4. Definitely Doug. He and Mason will have so much fun playing with Molly Sue someday!!

  5. OH.... he is so cute! I like both names but Brit likes Doug! I really like his old name of Bailey... maybe I'll look up some ideas for names over my Easter break!
    I know you guys have wanted a golden and I am so happy you found him! The perfect match!!!
    I'm excited!!!
