"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back to the Daily Grind.

B is back! He arrived Sunday afternoon, and what a joy it is to have my playmate back. :) He had a lovely time, enjoyed sushi, Starbucks, and places upon past 6:30pm. The time difference did kick him in the butt a little. Since it was such a short trip he had no problem readjusting back to Azores time. He did take a couple pictures of Portugal and St. Louis but it has been a busy week so haven't gotten a chance to get them on the computer.

He did bring back a surprise with him for me. Our anniversary month is almost upon us. I know everyone always says it, but can you believe how time flies? 1 year almost gone! Anyhow, I am sure I have mentioned, we don't have the biggest array of shopping here, so it seemed as if it were perfect timing for B to head back for the states to do some present shopping. He came back with a Kitchen Aid Mixer!!! (in red) So excited! He had to give it to me early because obviously it is a little too big to hide. I was ecstatic! Our kitchen seems so complete now. I got to play with it the other day, and let me just tell you it is awesome! I took some pictures of it too, to post, but those also have not made it on to the computer.

Other than that news, same ol' same ol' over here in the middle of the ocean. B is hard at work, as well as I am working another VBS all week long (long story). Looking forward to next week...

6 more days till my parents arrive!!


  1. yay so glad your hubby is back and that he came bearing such wonderful gifts!! good on you, brandon!

    miss you guys and am sure you will have tons of fun w/ your parents!

  2. Wow! A new red mixer! What a treat! YOu guys will have fun making lots of yummy things to eat! I'm so glad Brandon is home safe and sound and you have a wonderful visit planned with your parents! I know you guys will have fun! Love you and miss you!
