Obviously, I
It took us about a whole hour to reach our campsite on the other side of the island. A whole hour due to stopping at some other campsites to see what they had to offer, 2 Portuguese buffets set up in the middle of the road, oh and of course the fact that we didn't exceed the speed of about 50 km/hour. Get the picture?!?
This camping was the real stuff, down and dirty. There was no running water or power which equaled bathroom trips of holding your nose, working out all your leg muscles, and an accompanied flashlight holder by your side. Let me just say hand sanitizer became our best friend. Broken glass and annoying birds were endured for the gorgeous views and seclusion the site had to offer.
All in all not too terrible, I exaggerate for added effect and to keep you to come back and read my blog. :)
This time around, we got smarter! We wanted to
What better way to save time and hand sanitizer then camping in a friend's backyard. We had a wonderful time, much more my style camping, plus all the puppies got to come play this time, which always adds for enjoyable entertainment.
We will miss y'all, Lindsey & Karl! Till next time!
We will miss you too! I am glad we got a group shot!