"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Friday, August 19, 2011

Who Can Resist Dog Photos?

One of the lovely ladies from the island began a "Doggy Play Day" last summer, and we are faithful in our participation in as many Fridays as we can get to.

We got to keep ourselves entertained here people. Remember Itsy Bitsy Island. Itsy Bitsy Foreign Island. Itsy Bitsy Foreign Island (with a lack of jobs).

Mason usually just gets so overwhelmed with so much stimulation, he is beside himself. 6 hours later he is still passed out on the couch, only waking for stretching and rearranging on the couch.

Look it that fun!

Water Break!

Attempt #1 of Basset Hound picture. Hurley I am sorry this picture is not for you.

 Attempt #1: FAIL.

 Attempt #2: FAIL. so close.

 We have an extraordinary view from our make shift park.

 Mason likes it too.

What a loner.

 "All done mom, I am ready for nap #4 of the day."

 "Bye friends! See ya next time."

We're off to Sao Miguel for the weekend!! I will fill y'all in our found when we return.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

DIY - Wall Decor. (but not a tutorial)

I am not crafty.

I am not creative.

I am not a thrifty shopper.

but I continue to try.

I started this project back in oh say June and finally have it done to show you. It had been sitting on our kitchen table and/or back room when guests were over just collecting dust, imagining itself done with its proper place on the wall.
What is it, you may ask? Well of course, what else could it be but a wreath made solely of coffee filters.

Stolen Creativity. Check.

Crafty. Check.

Thrifty. Check.

I told ya I am trying.

Alas, I am done with this monstrosity, delightful project which in the total of these 3 months, eh took me about 2 hours give or take. Definitely was not priority number 1 on my list.

and here it is folks....

from this...

to this...

Just gaze upon that crafty, creative, thrifty creation, will ya? Sad it will be coming down in a little over 6 months now.

Monday, August 15, 2011


  • The summer is flown by. Who can believe we are in the second week of August already? Who can believe I have only blogged once and it is the second week of August? 

  • We tried one more time to be adventurous at Praia Fest two weekends ago. We grabbed some friends, PB&Js, chips and a bottle of wine (basic ingredients for deliciousness) and were all set to go for a boat ride that took us out for about an hour to the other side of the island. In typical Azorean fashion, the captain of the boat decided he didn't want to do it that day and there was no boat to be found (when we had already confirmed the time and date earlier in the week). No warning, no sign, no nada. The marina shared wise words of wisdom with us and told us "Maybe tomorrow?" FAIL.

  • We had our first hiking experience this weekend. We climbed walked up Santa Barbara (the highest point on Terceria) with some friends. 2 hours, about 8 miles and a TON of rain later we were all soaking wet and glad to check that accomplishment of our list. Today's side effects = soreness all over.

  • B has wrapped up another class for the semester with a beautiful 'A'!! This past semester along with his classes, he accumulated 15 hours of credit by passing CLEP test (credit by exam test). A paper is due this weekend that will finish up his second class of the semester. He will kick-out one more class for the summer starting August 22nd. Whoop! Go B!

  • We are going to Sao Miguel next weekend (the biggest island of the Azores). We are excited and ready for a break of the everyday and some different scenery.

  • Next monday, is our 2 year anniversary, so we will probably throw our celebration in with the weekend, especially because we may not end up seeing each other but for mere moments that day. I am gearing up for a killer week starting that day. I have 50+ people to prepare dinner for, for Vacation Bible School, a carnival that I have been coordinating for the spouses group that happens to fall in that same week, and not to mention keeping up with the regular things like work and feeding B. Also add in that we will be gone that weekend prior. Yikes.

  • As the summer slowly fades to fall winter, I can see the end of the year approaching and my goals for 2011 still have no check-marks beside them. I am half way done with my book and countries goal and know for certainty I will have those achieved by the years end. The language one was worrisome, how was I going to do this with a lack of self-discipline and time? No other way but to force myself. As a military spouse, I fall under the MYCAA program to receive financial aid for an eligible certificate or associates degree program. Since I am doing this for mere pleasure and self-improvement, and there is a cap to the financial aid I am going with the certificate program. My plan is to enroll this week in the college and program and be ready to go by the fall semester. So I may not get a check-mark by this goal but at least I started the tasks.

  • We attended the Quarertly Awards Breakfast last week (was that last week?). I already mentioned how B won Airmen of the Quarter for his squadron. This breakfast was to congratulate him and the others for winning that award along with competing for AoftheQ for the whole base. Unfortunately, we can't win them all, and walked out empty handed. Next quarter.
That about wraps up what you missed the past two weeks at the Morris abode. I have been wanting to change up the blog design for quite sometime now. Maybe you will see a change in the upcoming weeks. ;)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Are We Old or Just Boring?

Friday was the kick-off the biggest event here in Terceria. Praia-fest!  A 10 day festival filled with music, food, parades, and Hoobastank. Yes, you read that right. They will be here August 3rd.

People take leave for this. I don't get it?

Being the social butterflies that we are, on Friday we were determined to surpass our 10:00pm bedtime and head out to paint the town red. Some lovely folks were in on the fun too. We thought that if we had a late dinner together, we could all help each other stay awake.

Some rain and a brinner later (breakfast for dinner, which equals YUM!) there were many thoughts spoken aloud,

"Does anyone really want to go?"

"I think it is going to rain again."

"We still have next weekend."

As you probably guessed it we missed the kick-off of Praia-fest.

We made up for it yesterday, by going out with some other lovely folks to walk around to see what there was to offer and enjoying some wine from one of the restaurants from Maderia (another island of Portugal, closer to Africa). This time we did it right, and left the house a little after 6:00pm to assure we would make it home before 10:00pm. :)