"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Monday, January 3, 2011

The New Year.

The ringing in of the New Year has once again come and gone. We kept with all of our "new traditions" we intend to implement that I spoke of here.

I wanted to share with y'all our 2011 Things We Will Strive to Accomplish List for the 2 people that might care.

1. Make an “excellent” on PT test.
  • An excellent is received by obtaining an overall score of 90 or above. Besides the numerical standpoint, it also warrants a day-off as well as no PT testing for a year. A mandatory test is given every 6 months, the next one is scheduled in May then November would be the 2nd one for this year, so he will have 2 tries this year to get it done.

2. Complete at least 30 credit hours for school.
  • With CDCs still looming, "normal" school will not start back up again until hopefully this summer. CDCs completed will already add 6 credit hours for his degree plan. He will then have, more semesters than I can count this early in the morning, to complete the 24 more credit hours before 2012. Definitely doable.

3. Complete OTS package!!
  • This is the big one. To make the switch from enlisted to officer, an active member can apply for OTS (Officer Training School) one year out. Completing bullet point 2 will get B to this point, the rest will be in God's hands.

1. Learn a new language.
  • Now, the obvious language choice would be Portuguese, you would think. However, I feel in the long run this will not be as beneficial as becoming actually fluent in Spanish. We will see which route I decide to follow, maybe it'll end up being both.

2. Visit at least 6 different countries.
  • It is so doable, promise. We are headed to Germany in a week, thats 1. I am not counting our trip to the states after because that is too easy. So then are long awaited vacation/cruise will be happening this spring, and after that I may only need 1 or 2 more countries. After saving up leave for a little over a year, it is time to use it! I guess I can say I take after my ma in not doing well in staying stationary for an extended period of time.

3. Read 18 books this year.
  • For some this may sound super easy, and I agree. I am pretty consistent in starting a book and then not finishing it for weeks later. I am a fast reader and all, this tasks is really more about be more disciplined in actually sitting down and reading. So rather than putting on another episode of Lost (our new favorite) I will try to take the last hour of every night to knock this one out.
And there you have it. Now, that you have read them you now have the official responsibility of making sure we accomplish them. Happy New Year!!

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