"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


What better way to come back from a 13 day blog hiatus, then pictures of our little Mas-face.

B and I attempted to play vet yesterday. Mason has been itching like crazy!!! It seems a lot of friend's dogs are suffering from some unknown island source. He has been feverishly biting/licking at his front right paw leaving it all red and irritated. A friend gave me some "Yuk!" cream (yes, it is actually called that). It is a gel substance that has a terrible flavor that you put around the area your dog won't leave alone so that they get that bad flavor in their mouth and stop licking. Apparently, Mas liked the flavor or something, because that didn't work. Soo...

Diagnosis: some mystical Azorean allergy that won't go away

Possible Solutions: benadryl, calling an actual vet, yet another bath

Home-remedy: a sock and a string

Poor Mas-face! I gave him some peanut butter this morning to make sure any residual taste of the "Yuk" was gone. :)

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