"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tomorrow is a new day.

This might be confusing, but hang in there with me.

Monday, as mentioned, was not a great day for me.

I was called in to sub for a measly 2 1/2 hours for a 1st grade class. 2 1/2 hours, I got this, right? Wrong! The class was relatively behaved. I had these 2 students that just wouldn't stop. Whatever "threats" I made, however many smiley faces I took away, they did not listen. Their recesses were taken away for the next day, and they still carried on. They were very disruptive to the entire class, would not work on their tasks assigned, and continued to throw pencils and crayons at each other. As I replay this in my head, I should have called the office to come get them off my hands, but being the "I can handle everything on my own" type person that I am, I did not.

As one of the kids continued, the other decided to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Literally, he sat in the corner, and would not move. I surrendered, and let him sit there, there was only X amount of time left in class, so I let him be. At least he was quiet.

So now we are at the end of class, where I have the kids lined up, all but one. I bet you can guess who it was. He continued to sit and pretend he was a sleep. He would NOT get up. I had to take the rest of the children down the hall to meet their parents, but I couldn't leave him unattended in an empty classroom. I went across the hall to get some real teacher support, and her great advice was "You have to get him up!" I kept trying, and nothing. That teacher finally came up to try. Fail. A 3rd teacher came over to try. Fail. They stayed, while I took the rest of the kids. When I came back, the teachers went to get the kids Dad. You think it would end there, yes? It was a good 10 minutes before the Dad was able to make the kid leave the classroom.

This all happened in between another frustrating event. As some may know, I am working Mondays and Tuesdays at the education center. That was supposed to start weeks ago. I have been waiting 3 weeks for a security clearance to get run, so I can have government computer access.

Lets back track to last Friday, called person A to figure out what was the hold up. Person A called Person B to find out the reasoning. Person A reports back to me that they have been waiting for my medical records to arrive before they can sign off. Hmm... Person A gives me the number to call Person B to discuss details. End result, Person C tells me to turn in needed paperwork on Monday morning.

Monday morning

me: "Here is the paperwork I was supposed to turn in"

Person D: "I have no idea what you are talking about, Person C works in that building"
(that is not really what he said, but you get the basic idea)

me: "Here is my paperwork, Person C."

Person C: "Um, I told you to turn it in over there on Friday, let me call them."
to person D "Yes, she needs an appointment to get a physical so we can start her a medical record"

Um, okay.

After subbing, time for my appointment.

Waiting. Some more waiting. Some more waiting. Waiting.

Doctor: "What can I do for you today?"

me: "I do not know, I need some type of physical to get a medical record started"

Doctor calls over to Person C.

Doctor: "Yes, Person C said you need an employee physical, she said you first need to go get this paperwork, fill it out, make another appt. and come back and then I can fill it out."

WHAT!!! If you followed along, can you feel my frustration.

I walked out in a huff, and decided to wait to the next morning to continue to deal with it.

This morning, I called the education center, to tell my story, saying I was going to call Person A to see if he can help get to the bottom of this mess for me. I was then informed that Person C called saying she had received a call from the Doctor, who was trying to figure out why I was so upset. Person C continued in her conversation, saying she had no idea why I was so upset, and if this is how I react I should not be working in a customer service position.

And scene.

This is where I am now. I haven't heard any further information, but we can probably safety say, however unjustified it may be, that I will not be working at the education center.

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