"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Monday, July 25, 2011


I became super excited yesterday morning as I was browsing the internet. Forever, I have been trying to find an organizational system for ALL the recipes I find online. I mean ALL people. Ask me what I do on my small bits of free time? I browse recipes online.

Back to the point.

For a moment, I thought of printing out all the recipes and organizing them in a binder by category of food. Ha. That thought was fleeting.

I also thought maybe to copy and paste them all in to word documents and keep them organized in files on my desktop. Still a little too much effort there.

My approach as of now, is to save the webpage I find as a bookmark under the proper food category it belongs to. It is workable but sometimes chaotic. I always forget recipes I have tried, and whether we liked them or not. As well, recipes get shuffled to the bottom of the list because new recipes trump them. These recipes have been limited to one category, which drove me a little batty. If it is a chicken and pasta dish, I was forced to choose one or the other and it usually got piled under the loads of chicken recipes I have come across.


I have My Delicious. Oh the glory! Now every recipe I come across, with a quick swift of the mouse I can add it as a bookmark to "my delicious page" which houses all my recipes by as many categories as I want: chicken, pasta, new recipe, blackbeans. Think of the possibilities. I can access this from any computer I need and it does all the organizing for me! An added bonus, is that it accounts for all the other users who have bookmarked the same recipe, so you can get a sense of how popular/yummy the recipe is.

Please if you are a recipe hunter, stop what you are doing right now (which is probably hunting for recipes) and try this. It is life changing!

Can you sense my excitement?


  1. you would have a category just for black beans.

  2. on another note, I am definitely checking this out!
