"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mason, The Ranch Dog.

Ever head of the Pioneer Women?

She has quite an amusing blog, a women with many talents.

Her blog vs. my blog = no contest.

Although she is quite entertaining, my fascination with her comes from the sole fact that she has not 1 but 2 basset hounds. B dreads the day I found her. Oh what life would be like with 2 basset hounds. :)

The point of this tale.

My sweet and thoughtful friend (whose basset hound we were babysitting) returned with her family last weekend. With her she brought us this...

Can you sense B's excitement?

An animated children's book by the Pioneer Women about one of her basset hounds named Charlie. Told ya, many talents.

It was beyond the point of cute, maybe it only comes across that way to people who have a deep love for basset hounds, but really, it was really really cute.

This picture was taken solely for blog-related purposes. However, me trying to pose with Mas to read him the book turned into having to get a treat out to lure Mason's head down which turned into him nawing my hand off and getting slobber on my new favorite book.

I wonder if the Pioneer Women is looking for a basset to make a sequel?


  1. This is a-mazing! I love the picture.

  2. haha! love it :) I had no idea the PW had 2 basset hounds...more & more reasons to love her. Oh & how about those bangs of yours? so cute!!

  3. You are so cute reading the book to Mason! Is it a good book? I may want to borrow it sometime to read to my students! I have other Diane de Groat books in my classrom!
