"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live."
Acts 17:26

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thank you Veterans.

A big thank you to all the past and present military members who have served and fought to protect our country. Thank you for your time, strength, sacrifices and dedication from you and your families.

Especially to my Airmen whom I love. Thank you for being brave and stepping up to the commitment to protect our nation.

1 comment:

  1. I love your tribute to Veteran's Day! It has been a day of honor and remembrance! WE had a lovely table set up at my school honoring Veteran's and active duty military so there were 2 pictures that I added that were very special to me. My father, a 1st lieutenant in the Army, stationed in Hawaii, and fought in the Korean War and my son, USAF, stationed in the Azores! I am so proud of both of them!
    My students learned about Veteran's Day also. My tradition is to read The Wall, my favorite children's book about the Vietnam War Memorial. Then they watch a movie about Veteran's Day and we made cards for our US soldiers in Iraq that will be sent to them overseas. It is a day to celebrate honor and service to our country! I am proud to be an American!
